I’m just going to jump right in and give this blog thing a go. Quick introduction:
I’m A. Or Mommy Jam? You know, like the title. Isn’t that what bloggers do?
This kind of post is the main reason I’ve put off blogging for so long. Where do I start? What do I tell? Who in the world -really- cares what I have to say?
I’m over that. I love to write and I’m ready to have my very own mommy outlet.
I’m A. Or Mommy Jam? You know, like the title. Isn’t that what bloggers do?
This kind of post is the main reason I’ve put off blogging for so long. Where do I start? What do I tell? Who in the world -really- cares what I have to say?
I’m over that. I love to write and I’m ready to have my very own mommy outlet.
My sweet hubby, D (Daddy Jam?), and I have been together for 8½ years. He’s an awesome cook and does most of that for our household. He also knows how crazy and forgetful I am and still sticks with me. AND he is the hardest worker I've ever known. It's because of him that I get to stay home with our littles and I'm forever thankful.

We have one boy, Beads, who’s 5½ and a girl, Ballerina, who will be 4 in a week. They are exactly a year and a half apart and are the funniest little people I know. I love them oh, so much! Even on those days when I need tosit in the bathroom for some quiet time go potty for 10 minutes, they are still my most favorite things in the world.

This is our Labrador Retriever, Pickles (also known as Piggles, Marley, Cupcake, Pickles-My-Pony, and whatever else Ballerina decides to call her for the day). She’s lovable and adorable and slightly over weight. She also doesn’t like when Daddy Jam flies Beads or Ballerina around like airplanes.

My antici.........pation is that the Blackberry Jam blog will mostly be about our homeschool adventures and the ridiculously silly things Beads and Ballerina do each week. With LOTS of sweet pictures thrown in, like those cute little caterpillars up there.
If you hadn't already guessed, a favorite movie of mine is RHPS. I also really like Run Lola Run, Moonrise Kingdom, Titanic, Tank Girl, Home Alone, Party Monster, The Little Mermaid, SLC Punk, Romeo + Juliet, and Matilda. Kind of an eclectic mix, I guess.
We have one boy, Beads, who’s 5½ and a girl, Ballerina, who will be 4 in a week. They are exactly a year and a half apart and are the funniest little people I know. I love them oh, so much! Even on those days when I need to
This is our Labrador Retriever, Pickles (also known as Piggles, Marley, Cupcake, Pickles-My-Pony, and whatever else Ballerina decides to call her for the day). She’s lovable and adorable and slightly over weight. She also doesn’t like when Daddy Jam flies Beads or Ballerina around like airplanes.

My antici.........pation is that the Blackberry Jam blog will mostly be about our homeschool adventures and the ridiculously silly things Beads and Ballerina do each week. With LOTS of sweet pictures thrown in, like those cute little caterpillars up there.
If you hadn't already guessed, a favorite movie of mine is RHPS. I also really like Run Lola Run, Moonrise Kingdom, Titanic, Tank Girl, Home Alone, Party Monster, The Little Mermaid, SLC Punk, Romeo + Juliet, and Matilda. Kind of an eclectic mix, I guess.
Beads will be an official Kindergarten homeschooler in the Fall and of course Ballerina will continue her Pre-K work. I’m excited but also just a little bit overwhelmed as Beads has developmental delays, is nonverbal, and HATES sitting still. Teaching him can be a battle at times but we’ve learned that active/game-like lessons work best – and are more fun, anyway.
I really like strawberry cheesecake. Reeaaally. Oh, and coffee. Lots of coffee - hot, iced, frozen, doesn't matter. And cherries! Yum. Okay, actually, I just like food.
looks great so far...love your family <3 ..ive always wanted to start a blog myself! cant wait to read more!!